Revamped control panel, always-on terminal, more syntax highlighting

With every major release, we put the bar higher and higher and we really enjoy improving our product constantly. Today we are releasing a great load of updates, on sourceLair, which are based on the needs we understand you, our users, have.

Firstly, we have totally revamped your control panel. The control panel is the place where you customize your development environment according to your needs and where you can access and control your personal information. We gave a lot more space to the control panel, thus making it much more pleasant to your eyes and we made your settings much more visual. Starting now you have full visual access to every one of your settings, while choosing the theme that suits you best is much more easy, with the new theme thumbnails.

the new control panel

Next, we made the terminal always-on, for all project workspaces. From now on, each time you open up a project, on sourceLair, you will get a full Linux terminal opened up for you, immediately. Additionally we added syntax highlighting support for Properties (ini) and XML, while we automatically understand the proper syntax highlighting for files without extension that start with a shebang (e.g. Shell, for files that start with #! /bin/bash). Furthermore, from now on, your .git/config and .hg/hgrc files are automatically highlighted, while we will automatically highlight your .conf files as Property or XML syntax, depending on the contents of your files.

Last but not least, today we are deprecating the user workspace, in order to move forward and supply the best service possible for you. The user workspace (or My Files) supplies nothing more than a project workspace, while it lacks all the amazing features that make sourceLair special, like version control, the terminal and more. For that reason you either have to download all your files manually, or ask us for a copy of your files, which will be compressed, encrypted, and sent to you by an automated job.

Where you can get

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